The average weekly intermodal spot rates for 53’ dry van on most origin-destination (OD) pairings are all-in door-to-door rates. SONAR users can see the weekly average for all OD pairings (INTRM.USA) or specific OD pairings such as Los Angeles to Chicago (INTRM:LAXCHI) as well as the change in spot rates quarterly (INTRMQ), and yearly (INTRMY). The sub-ticker INTRMY.USA shows a y/y percent intermodal change.
Intermodal Marketing Contractors (IMCs), Class I, II, III and short-line railroads managers, Asset-based carriers (operations Managers, pricing analysts), freight brokers and stock analysts). Stock analysts may be most interested in y/y percent changes in the densest lanes such as INTRM.LAXCHI.
Intermodal spot rates are usually offered or sold mostly by IMCs who have contracted under their own name for long term contract railroad company intermodal rates and right to ride the trains. When their expected intermodal primary sold and controlled business decreases they then go into the market to offer the now excess part of their intermodal train container or TOFC (trailer on flatcar) slots to others in the market.