The Most Volatile Markets widget is the perfect place to look on a daily basis to see how your markets are shifting as far as capacity and volumes. The most volatile market widgets will show you the current value as well as the weekly change for the Outbound Tender Volume Index, Outbound Tender Reject Index, Headhaul Index and Tender Leadtime for all 135 markets.
The widget also will point out any markets that have a large change week over week that is out of the norm for that market. With the flags “Strong Increase”, “Strong Decrease”, “Moderate Increase” and “Moderate Decrease” your eyes will immediately go to those markets on the list, helping you identify quickly how to react.
Each column and box can be clicked on to create a chart to see further history of the dataset.
The Most Volatile Markets widget really gives the user easy signs on which markets are changing and really improves their decision making.
Anyone in the transportation industry looking to be more proactive instead of reactive to the market and market changes.